Frasdorfer Str. 2
D - 83229 Aschau im Chiemgau

You can easily reach us via A8 from Munich to Salzburg exit Frasdorf / Aschau
(about 45 minutes)

Our gallery is located in the centre of the historical part of Aschau near the church.

Opening hours:
Thursday – Saturday from 10am until 6pm

Map24 route planner

Griesgasse 27
A - 5020 Salzburg

For those motoring from afar, Griesgasse 27 is reached via Westautobahn A1, exit (Ausfahrt) Salzburg Mitte, direction Zentrum Altstadt.

Reasonably priced parking is in the Mönchsberg Garage and at Rot-Kreuz-Platz. Both parking places are a two-minute walk to Griesgasse 27.

Opening hours:
Thursday– Frriday from 10am until 6pm
Saturday from 10am until 5pm

Map24 route planner


Elisabeth Kohl
PLACE D'EGLISEAntike LüsterFrasdorfer Straße 2Tiffany SilberD - 83229 Aschau im Chiemgau
Tel: +49 / 8052 / 95 19 79Antike SpiegelFax: +49 / 8052 / 95 19 80
PLACE D'EGLISEAntike LüsterGriesgasse 27 Tiffany SilberA - 5020 Salzburg
Tel: +43 / 662 / 84 51 83 Antike SpiegelFax: +43 / 662 / 84 52 23